Best Unit-2 | Principal of Management (1st sem BCA)1st Year
Unit-2 | Principal of Management (1st sem BCA)1st Year-In this comprehensive Notes , we delve deep into Unit 2 Principles of Management, specifically tailored for BCA 1st Year students. 📚 Whether you’re new to this subject or seeking to enhance your understanding, we’ve got you covered. Join us as we unlock the secrets to success in this semester! 🔓

Unit 2
Business Ethics
- Ethics means the set of rules and principle that the organization should follow.
Principles of business ethics
- Accountability
- Care and respect
- Honesty
- Loyalty
- Avoid conflicts
Types of business ethics
- Corporate responsibility
- Social responsibility
- Personal responsibility
- Fairness
- Technology ethics
- Transparency
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Shift to ethics
- It is an outcome of how people think, act and respond over time in organizations, to the point where such thinking, acing and responding have become second nature for members of an organization
Social responsibility
- Social responsibility is having a sense of duty to society and everything that is a part of it
- In other words a social responsibility means managers are accountable to society at large not just their share holder
Characteristics of social responsibility
- Make employees feel their jobs are important.
- Consider the human toll when making business decisions.
Types of social responsibility
- Economic responsibility
- Legal responsibility
- Ethical responsibility
Contribution of Henri Fayal’s
- About Henry Fayal (1841-1995) got degree in mining engineering and joined French mining company in 1860 as an Engineers. He rose to the position of managing company was on the verge of bankruptcy
Management developed by Fayal’s
Division of work
- Divided the work in small task/job and each work is done by a trained specialist which leads to greater efficiency specializations increased productivity and reduction of unnecessary wastage and movements
- It is the obedience to organization rules by the subordinates. Discipline requires good super-visors at all levels, clear and fair agreements and judicious application of penalties
Unity of command
- Unity of command subordinate should receive order and instructions from one boss only .
- The principle is related to the functioning of personnel
- Systematic working and improved efficiency by removing confusion and chaotic conditions
Unity of direction
- It advocates one head, and one plan for a group of activities having the same objectives. The activities should be directed towards the common goals
- The principle is related to the functioning of a department or the organization as a whole
- Co-ordination with in a particular department and over all , by preventing overlapping of various activities.
Remuneration of employees
- The overall pay compensation should be fair to both employees and the organization the wages should encourage the workers to work more and better.
- A place for everything and everyone and everything and everyone should be in its designated place
Contribution of Taylor’s
- It implies conducting of business activity according to standardized tools, methods and trained personal in order to increase output improve its quality and reduce costs and wastes through effective and opting utilization of resources
Science not rule of thumb
- The should be scientific study and analysis of each element’s of a job in order to replace the old rule of thumb approach or hit and miss method. We should be constantly experimentally to develop new technology which make work much simpler, easier and quicker
- For ex- It case of rule of thumb the standard time required to be a particular jib is fixed by the manager on the basis of his own past experience
Harmony’s not discord (conflict)
- It implies that there should be mint all revolution on part of managers and workers in order to respect each other’s role and eliminate any class conflict to receive organizational objectives
- For example – The main objective of workers is to earn more where as the objectives of management is to produce maximum
Co-operation not individualism
- It is an extension of the principle of harmony not discard where by constructive suggestions of workers should be adopted and they should not go on strikes as both management and worker share responsibility and perform together
Techniques of Scientific Management
- To put scientific management into practice F.W Taylor developed the following techniques
- Function foremanship- Functional foremanship is a technique in which planning and execution are separated functional foremanship states that the task of supervision is divided into several specialized function and each functions is entrusted to a specialized foreman.
- Taylor proposed eight specialist foreman fore under each department (Planning department and production department )
- The eight specialized foreman and their function
Factory management
Planning Interchanges
- Route clerk – To specify the exact sequence and route of production
- Instruction card clerk – In responsible for drafting instruction for the workers
- Time and cost clerk- To prepare cost and time sheet for the job.
- Shop Disciplinarian – To ensure discipline and enforcement of rules and regulation among the workers
Production Interchange
- Gang boss – Is responsible for keeping tools and machines ready for operation
- Speed boss- Is responsible for timely and accurate completion of job
- Repair Boss – To ensue proper working conditions of tools and machines
- Inspector – To check quality of work
Standardization and simplification of work
- Standardization refers to developing standers for every business activity where as simplification refers to eliminating super flocks varieties of product or service
Work study
- Work study is a systematic, objective and coinitial examination of all factors relating to works so as to maximum efficiency.
- Method study – Method study refers to finding out one best way of doing a particular job there are various methods for completing any job its main objective is to maximize the quality and satisfaction of the customer
- Motion study- Motion study is the technique used to study the various movements like lifting setting objects sitting, charging position etc of working while performing a particular task.
- Time study- It is determine the standard time taken to perform a level-defined job. The objective of lance study is to determine the number of workers to be employed, frame suitable incentive schemes and determine labor cost.
Differential piece wage system
- This system links wages and productivity. standard output day in established and two piece rates are used higher for those who achieve up to and more then standard output i.e. efficient workers and lower for inefficient and slow workers
Mental Revaluation
- Â Involves a complete change in mental out look and attitude of workers and management to wards one another from competition to cooperation .
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